Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ain't in no hurry today

Sometimes I wish that life would slow down just for a bit and let me just breath for a moment...but well, I think that life just gets faster instead. So, now a days I have to "breath" during the busy. I have decided to slow things down a little bit by doing things like driving the speed limit, listening to "classy 99.9" (I'm trying to win an Ipad...), and simply enjoy the little things life has to offer.  You see, life is for living and there is always going to be something that needs to be done, someone that needs your help and responsibilities that need to be tended to. Laundry will always be there, and so will your dirty dishes so why not take a breather from time to time and just slow down and enjoy the moment that you are in. You can find something good in every single moment. Like when I was out working with my uncle, we walked into a Nursing Home and we were greeted by a little white hair old lady who asked if we were the bride and groom and then proceeded to hum the wedding march as we entered the room. We were both pretty dirty looking, that's what sweat, gasoline and grass will do to you and not even close to looking like a proper bride and groom should...to top it off...this is my uncle we are talking about! Pretty funny to say the least. I mean I caught the bouquet at my cousins wedding but I wasn't expecting a marriage of my own soo soon!!

Peace, love and happiness.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Movin' on up!

Maybe someday they'll ask me to be a poster child for the hospital!
Well I'm moving on up, to a career life. That is right ladies and gents, I've got myself a job, a real, high paying, look good on a resume, dress up and look pretty every day kind of job. It was a hard road but after being offered 3 different jobs I got to choose a job that felt the best. That was the hard part...anything sounded good with as broke as I've become. So you want to know what I'll be doing? I am the new flex person (meaning I come in and run groups when they have a full house...which is most of the time) at the University of Utah Hospital. So basically I will rotate between 4 acute adult units, one detox/mood disorder unit, one adolescent in patient and one child in patient, three out patient programs for day treatment for those of you wondering the details. Here is what sold me on the job, not only will I get a ton of experience in different areas and with different populations but I will be getting paid $18.50 an hour. Because my schedule is pretty flexible I'm going to try and work part time with the National Ability Center in Park City as a summer camp counselor for kids with disabilities. That would be ideal, but we will see what happens. I am still doing some yard work which is a great extra income. What else can I say? Things are looking up and I'm feeling so blessed.  Now the only thing standing in my way is passing my certification test next Thursday....pray for me!!!